Liling Coupling
Bottom price 20 Casing Coupling Exporter - CHINA API 5CT OILFIELD CASING COUPLING 8-5/8″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 8-5 / 8 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% kuma-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye naku-Inani. 3. Ukubhanqanisa kumele kube yiManganese Phosphate ehlanganiswe njenge-API 15B noma i-16B, i-Colling Surface color coating njengokuyi-API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Special Design for Special Clearance Coupling Supplier - CHINA COUPLING SUPPLIER 4-1/2″P110 LC – Oilfield
1. 4-1/2″ P110 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Couplings are used to connect two joints of tubing or casing. 3. Technical Standard: API 5CT 9th or API 5CT 10th, API 15B or API 16B, according to the customers’ request. 4. Quantity: As the customers’ request. 5. Invoice: Based on actual quantity shipped. -
Factory wholesale Special Clearance Coupling Factory - API 5CT PIPE COUPLING 9-5/8″Q125 LC – Oilfield
1. 9-5 / 8 ″ Q125 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. 3. Ucezu ngalunye lomkhiqizo lunamarekhodi alo wokuhlola intambo, amarekhodi okuhlola amaphutha, ama-phosphating namarekhodi wokufaka, ukubona ukutholakala kwawo kuyo yonke inqubo. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwemfuneko yamakhasimende. Imisebenzi yokusebenzisa enamandla amaningi: qhathanisa ... -
Factory made hot-sale Api 5ct Pipe Coupling - PETROLEUM CASING COUPLING 5-1/2″P110 HC LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ P110 HC LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Konke ukuqoqwa kwesitoko kuqinisekiswe Kumazinga we-API yelebhu ezimele yangaphandle ngaphambi kokuhlanganisa ukukhiqiza. 3. Ngemuva kokukhanda zonke izithangami kuhlolwe intambo engu-100%. 4. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% ku-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye futhi uwonke. 5. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Factory Supply 20 Casing Coupling Factory - CHINA COUPLING FACTORY 5-1/2″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. IFomethi ye-MTC: Ama-MTR afaka i-SR 15 ye-API 5CT ekhombisa yonke imiphumela yokuhlola / yokuhlola ye-coupling eyenziwe i-hot coupling ne-coupling. 3. Asinikezeli ngesitoko ukuhlanganisa nokuhlanganisa. 4. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% ku-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye futhi uwonke. 5. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Factory Free sample China N80 Coupling - CHINA COUPLING MANUFACTURER 5-1/2″J55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ J55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. I-Pice Term: CIF, FOB, CFR nabanye. 3. Ukuqhathanisa i-NDT 100%, i-Longitudinal neTransversal, akunakho ukuphambuka noma amaphutha. 4. I-ETD: Ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. 5. Imibandela Yokukhokha: Iyaphendulwa. -
Factory Supply 20 Casing Coupling Factory - CHINA COUPLING SUPPLIER 4-1/2″P110 LC – Oilfield
1. 4-1/2″ P110 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Couplings are used to connect two joints of tubing or casing. 3. Technical Standard: API 5CT 9th or API 5CT 10th, API 15B or API 16B, according to the customers’ request. 4. Quantity: As the customers’ request. 5. Invoice: Based on actual quantity shipped. -
High definition Api 5ct Casing Coupling - CHINA API 5CT OILFIELD CASING COUPLING 8-5/8″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 8-5 / 8 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% kuma-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye naku-Inani. 3. Ukubhanqanisa kumele kube yiManganese Phosphate ehlanganiswe njenge-API 15B noma i-16B, i-Colling Surface color coating njengokuyi-API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
2020 wholesale price Coupling For Casing - CHINA COUPLING MANUFACTURER 5-1/2″J55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ J55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. I-Pice Term: CIF, FOB, CFR nabanye. 3. Ukuqhathanisa i-NDT 100%, i-Longitudinal neTransversal, akunakho ukuphambuka noma amaphutha. 4. I-ETD: Ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. 5. Imibandela Yokukhokha: Iyaphendulwa. -
Big Discount Api Line Coupling - CHINA COUPLING FACTORY 5-1/2″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. IFomethi ye-MTC: Ama-MTR afaka i-SR 15 ye-API 5CT ekhombisa yonke imiphumela yokuhlola / yokuhlola ye-coupling eyenziwe i-hot coupling ne-coupling. 3. Asinikezeli ngesitoko ukuhlanganisa nokuhlanganisa. 4. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% ku-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye futhi uwonke. 5. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Manufacturing Companies for Nipple Coupling Manufacturer - CHINA COUPLING MANUFACTURER 5-1/2″J55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ J55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. I-Pice Term: CIF, FOB, CFR nabanye. 3. Ukuqhathanisa i-NDT 100%, i-Longitudinal neTransversal, akunakho ukuphambuka noma amaphutha. 4. I-ETD: Ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. 5. Imibandela Yokukhokha: Iyaphendulwa. -
Discount wholesale Couplings Joint - 20″K55 BC API CASING COUPLING – Oilfield
Inzuzo yomkhakha wethu intengo ephansi, futhi ingxenye enkulu yabathengi abakhulu nabaphakathi asobala ngokusobala bathambekele ekubambisaneni nefektri yethu, ikakhulukazi abathengisi bangaphandle. Intengo ephansi inzuzo enkulu yomkhakha wethu. Okwesibili, ifektri yethu inezinsizakusebenza kwezobuchwepheshe nokupakisha, singathinta abathengi nganoma yisiphi isikhathi. Okwesithathu, ifektri yethu ingalawula ikhwalithi. Ngokuvamile, singumkhiqizi oqondile, umkhiqizi, othumela impahla ngaphandle, umphakeli, singakuqinisekisa ikhwalithi o ...