Umkhakha we-Api Line Coupling
Factory source China L80 Coupling - CHINA API 5CT OILFIELD CASING COUPLING 8-5/8″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 8-5 / 8 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% kuma-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye naku-Inani. 3. Ukubhanqanisa kumele kube yiManganese Phosphate ehlanganiswe njenge-API 15B noma i-16B, i-Colling Surface color coating njengokuyi-API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Discountable price Coupling Manufacturer - CHINA COUPLING MANUFACTURER 5-1/2″J55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ J55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. I-Pice Term: CIF, FOB, CFR nabanye. 3. Ukuqhathanisa i-NDT 100%, i-Longitudinal neTransversal, akunakho ukuphambuka noma amaphutha. 4. I-ETD: Ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. 5. Imibandela Yokukhokha: Iyaphendulwa. -
Newly Arrival Api Crossover Coupling - OCTG 16″K55 BC API 5CT CASING COUPLING EXPORTER SUPPLIER – Oilfield
1. 16 ″ K55 BC API 5CT Casing Couplings. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. 3. Sizoba nakho konke ukuhlolwa okuqinile kumkhiqizo ngamunye ohlelweni lokukhiqiza, futhi ucezu ngalunye lokufaka i-coupling noma i-tubing coupling lugcina amarekhodi alo okucubungula ahlobene. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. Yonke inqubo yokucubungula yomkhiqizo ngamunye ilawula ngokuqinile ... -
Cheap PriceList for Professional K55 Coupling Manufacturer - OCTG 16″K55 BC API 5CT CASING COUPLING EXPORTER SUPPLIER – Oilfield
1. 16 ″ K55 BC API 5CT Casing Couplings. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. 3. Sizoba nakho konke ukuhlolwa okuqinile kumkhiqizo ngamunye ohlelweni lokukhiqiza, futhi ucezu ngalunye lokufaka i-coupling noma i-tubing coupling lugcina amarekhodi alo okucubungula ahlobene. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. Yonke inqubo yokucubungula yomkhiqizo ngamunye ilawula ngokuqinile ... -
Competitive Price for Sucker Rod Coupling - CHINA COUPLING SUPPLIER 4-1/2″P110 LC – Oilfield
1. 4-1/2″ P110 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Couplings are used to connect two joints of tubing or casing. 3. Technical Standard: API 5CT 9th or API 5CT 10th, API 15B or API 16B, according to the customers’ request. 4. Quantity: As the customers’ request. 5. Invoice: Based on actual quantity shipped. -
Fast delivery Professional Octg Coupling Manufacturer - CHINA COUPLING FACTORY 5-1/2″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. IFomethi ye-MTC: Ama-MTR afaka i-SR 15 ye-API 5CT ekhombisa yonke imiphumela yokuhlola / yokuhlola ye-coupling eyenziwe i-hot coupling ne-coupling. 3. Asinikezeli ngesitoko ukuhlanganisa nokuhlanganisa. 4. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% ku-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye futhi uwonke. 5. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Factory directly China Coupling Factory - CHINA COUPLING FACTORY 5-1/2″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. IFomethi ye-MTC: Ama-MTR afaka i-SR 15 ye-API 5CT ekhombisa yonke imiphumela yokuhlola / yokuhlola ye-coupling eyenziwe i-hot coupling ne-coupling. 3. Asinikezeli ngesitoko ukuhlanganisa nokuhlanganisa. 4. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% ku-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye futhi uwonke. 5. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
OEM Factory for China Eu Coupling - 20″K55 BC API CASING COUPLING – Oilfield
1. 20 lings K55 BC API 5CT Casing Couplings. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. 3. Ukucaciswa komkhiqizo wenkampani yethu kusuka ku-2-3 / 8 kuya ku- “20 ″, kanti ibanga lensimbi lisuka kuJ55 liye ku-Q125, lifaka lonke uchungechunge olugcwele namamaki wensimbi. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. I-Xuzhou Oilfield Equipment Co, Ltd (API 5CT-1368) iyizwi ... -
Special Design for Special Clearance Coupling Supplier - CASING COUPLING FOR DRILLING PIPE 7″N80Q LC – Oilfield
1. Izithandani eziyi-7 7 ″ N80Q LC API 5ct Casing. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwesicelo samakhasimende. 3. Yonke impahla yokuhlanganisa izoba nesitifiketi se-API SR15 futhi imakwe nge-API monogram. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwesicelo samakhasimende. -
Factory supplied Api 5ct Nipple Coupling - CHINA API 5CT OILFIELD CASING COUPLING 8-5/8″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 8-5 / 8 ″ K55 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Ubuningi Bokubekezelela: -0 / + 5% kuma-PCS ngosayizi ngamunye naku-Inani. 3. Ukubhanqanisa kumele kube yiManganese Phosphate ehlanganiswe njenge-API 15B noma i-16B, i-Colling Surface color coating njengokuyi-API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. -
Good Quality Casing Coupling - 20″K55 BC API CASING COUPLING – Oilfield
1. 20 lings K55 BC API 5CT Casing Couplings. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. 3. Ukucaciswa komkhiqizo wenkampani yethu kusuka ku-2-3 / 8 kuya ku- “20 ″, kanti ibanga lensimbi lisuka kuJ55 liye ku-Q125, lifaka lonke uchungechunge olugcwele namamaki wensimbi. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwemiyalo yamakhasimende. I-Xuzhou Oilfield Equipment Co, Ltd (API 5CT-1368) iyizwi ... -
18 Years Factory Api 5ct 5b D10 Coupling Factory - OCTG 16″K55 BC API 5CT CASING COUPLING EXPORTER SUPPLIER – Oilfield
1. 16 ″ K55 BC API 5CT Casing Couplings. 2. Izinga lobuchwepheshe: API 5CT 9th noma API 5CT 10th, API 15B noma API 16B, ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. 3. Sizoba nakho konke ukuhlolwa okuqinile kumkhiqizo ngamunye ohlelweni lokukhiqiza, futhi ucezu ngalunye lokufaka i-coupling noma i-tubing coupling lugcina amarekhodi alo okucubungula ahlobene. 4. Invoice: Ngokuya ngobungako bangempela obuthunyelwe. 5. Ubungako: Ngokwesidingo samakhasimende. Yonke inqubo yokucubungula yomkhiqizo ngamunye ilawula ngokuqinile ...