Drill lwil redwi kouti
Leading Manufacturer for Api Non-Upset Coupling - PETROLEUM CASING COUPLING 5-1/2″P110 HC LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ P110 HC LC API 5CT aman couplage. 2. Tout aksyon aksyon sètifye nan API Standards pa yon laboratwa endepandan 3rd pati anvan manifakti kouti. 3. Apre D 'tout akoupleman sibi 100% enspeksyon fil. 4. Tolerans Kantite: -0 / + 5% nan PCS pou chak gwosè ak nan total. 5. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. -
PriceList for Professional J55 Coupling Manufacturer - CHINA API 5CT OILFIELD CASING COUPLING 8-5/8″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 8-5 / 8 ″ K55 LC API 5CT aman couplage. 2. Tolerans Kantite: -0 / + 5% nan PCS pou chak gwosè ak nan Total. 3. Couplage Dwe Manganèz Phosphate rekouvèr kòm Per API 15B oswa 16B, kouch sifas kouch koulè tankou pou chak API 5CT 9yèm oswa API 5CT 10yèm. 4. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. -
OEM manufacturer China Sc Coupling - CHINA COUPLING FACTORY 5-1/2″K55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ K55 LC API 5CT aman. 2. MTC Fòma: MTR a tankou pou chak 15 SR nan API 5CT ki montre tout rezilta tès / enspeksyon pou chalè-trete akoustik akoustik ak kouti. 3. Nou pa ofri aksyon lisans ak lisans ak kouti. 4. Tolerans Kantite: -0 / + 5% nan PCS pou chak gwosè ak nan total. 5. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. -
Discountable price Coupling Manufacturer - CHINA COUPLING SUPPLIER 4-1/2″P110 LC – Oilfield
1. 4-1/2″ P110 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Couplings are used to connect two joints of tubing or casing. 3. Technical Standard: API 5CT 9th or API 5CT 10th, API 15B or API 16B, according to the customers’ request. 4. Quantity: As the customers’ request. 5. Invoice: Based on actual quantity shipped. -
Hot-selling 20 Casing Coupling - OCTG 16″K55 BC API 5CT CASING COUPLING EXPORTER SUPPLIER – Oilfield
1. 16 "K55 BC API 5CT Anba koupin. 2. Teknik Creole: API 5CT 9yèm oswa API 5CT 10yèm, API 15B oswa API 16B, selon bezwen kliyan yo. 3. Nou pral gen tout enspeksyon strik sou chak pwodwi nan pwosesis la nan pwodiksyon, ak chak moso nan aman kesonman oswa koupin tib kenbe dosye pwosesis ki gen rapò li yo. 4. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. 5. Kantite: selon bezwen kliyan yo. Chak pwosedi pwosesis nan chak pwodwi se entèdi kontwòl ... -
2020 Latest Design D10 Coupling Factory - OCTG 16″K55 BC API 5CT CASING COUPLING EXPORTER SUPPLIER – Oilfield
1. 16 "K55 BC API 5CT Anba koupin. 2. Teknik Creole: API 5CT 9yèm oswa API 5CT 10yèm, API 15B oswa API 16B, selon bezwen kliyan yo. 3. Nou pral gen tout enspeksyon strik sou chak pwodwi nan pwosesis la nan pwodiksyon, ak chak moso nan aman kesonman oswa koupin tib kenbe dosye pwosesis ki gen rapò li yo. 4. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. 5. Kantite: selon bezwen kliyan yo. Chak pwosedi pwosesis nan chak pwodwi se entèdi kontwòl ... -
Ordinary Discount T H40 Pump Column Coupling - CHINA 20″N80Q BC API 5CT CASING COUPLING MANUFACTURER – Oilfield
1. 20 "N80Q BC API 5CT aman couplage. 2. Materyèl anvan tout koreksyon nou itilize konpayi nou yo tout achte nan men gwo ak byen koni moulen asye domestik yo. 3. Teknik Creole: API 5CT 9yèm oswa API 5CT 10yèm, API 15B oswa API 16B, selon demann kliyan yo. 4. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. 5. Kantite: Selon demann kliyan yo. Apre plizyè ane devlopman, konpayi nou an piti piti vin konpayi manifakti domestik ki byen koni ak pwofesyonèl ... -
OEM manufacturer China Sc Coupling - 20″K55 BC API CASING COUPLING – Oilfield
1. 20 "K55 BC API 5CT Anba koupin. 2. Teknik Creole: API 5CT 9yèm oswa API 5CT 10yèm, API 15B oswa API 16B, selon enstriksyon kliyan yo '. 3. espesifikasyon yo pwodwi nan konpayi nou yo soti nan 2-3 / 8 nan "20", ak klas la asye se soti nan J55 Q125, ki kouvri tout seri plen ak klas asye. 4. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. 5. Kantite: selon enstriksyon kliyan yo. Xuzhou Oilfield Equipment Co, Ltd (API 5CT-1368) se yon whol ... -
Factory Supply 20 Casing Coupling Factory - CHINA COUPLING SUPPLIER 4-1/2″P110 LC – Oilfield
1. 4-1/2″ P110 LC API 5CT Casing Coupling. 2. Couplings are used to connect two joints of tubing or casing. 3. Technical Standard: API 5CT 9th or API 5CT 10th, API 15B or API 16B, according to the customers’ request. 4. Quantity: As the customers’ request. 5. Invoice: Based on actual quantity shipped. -
2020 wholesale price Coupling For Casing - CHINA COUPLING MANUFACTURER 5-1/2″J55 LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ J55 LC API 5CT aman. 2. Pice tèm: kaf, FOB, CFR & lòt moun. 3. Couplage NDT 100%, Longitudinal ak Transversal, pa gen okenn devyasyon oswa domaj. 4. ETD: Dapre enstriksyon kliyan yo. 5. Peye Regleman: negosyab. -
Factory wholesale Special Clearance Coupling Factory - CASING COUPLING FOR DRILLING PIPE 7″N80Q LC – Oilfield
1. 7 "N80Q LC API 5CT Anbalaj koupin. 2. Creole teknik: API 5CT 9yèm oswa API 5CT 10yèm, API 15B oswa API 16B, selon demann kliyan yo. 3. Tout aksyon koup yo dwe ak API SR15 sètifika ak make ak API monogram. 4. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake. 5. Kantite: Selon demann kliyan yo. -
New Arrival China J55 Casing Coupling - PETROLEUM CASING COUPLING 5-1/2″P110 HC LC – Oilfield
1. 5-1 / 2 ″ P110 HC LC API 5CT aman couplage. 2. Tout aksyon aksyon sètifye nan API Standards pa yon laboratwa endepandan 3rd pati anvan manifakti kouti. 3. Apre D 'tout akoupleman sibi 100% enspeksyon fil. 4. Tolerans Kantite: -0 / + 5% nan PCS pou chak gwosè ak nan total. 5. Facture: Baze sou kantite aktyèl anbake.